Historical Events In September - 14
Saturday, 14 September 2024
0081 Today in history domitian becomes Emperor of the Roman Empire upon the death of his brother Titus.
0786 Harun al-Rashid becomes the Abbasid caliph upon the death of his brother al-Hadi today in history.
0891 Stephen V ends his reign as Catholic Pope on September - 14.
1163 On September - 14 pastor Frederik forms convent at Mariengaarde Friesland
1180 Today in history battle of Ishibashiyama in Japan.
1515 Battle at Marignano ends in Frenc/ enetian victory today in history.
1607 Flight of the Earls from Lough Swilly, Donegal, Ireland on September - 14.
1629 Spanish garrison surrenders to prince Frederik Henry on September - 14.
1662 Netherlands & England sign peace treaty on this day in history.
1682 Today in history bishop Gore School, one of the oldest schools in Wales, founded.
1716 First lighthouse in US lit (Boston Harbor) on this day in history.