Historical Events In February - 16
Sunday, 16 February 2025
0374 On February - 16 9th recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet
0600 On February - 16 pope Gregory the Great decrees saying "God bless You" is the correct response to a sneeze
0600 Today in history pope Gregory the Great decreea saying "God bless You" is the correct response to a sneeze
1249 Today in history andrew of Longjumeau is dispatched by Louis IX of France as his ambassador to meet with the Khan of the Mongols.
1349 Jews are expelled from Burgsdorf Switzerland today in history.
1486 Diet of Frankfort on February - 16.
1512 Battle at Valeggio French troops beat Venetianen today in history.
1512 Today in history battle at Valeggio: French troops beat Venetianen
1559 Pope Paul IV calls for deposition of sovereigns supporting heresy on this day in history.
1641 English king Charles I accept Triennial Act on February - 16.
1646 Battle of Great Torrington, Devon on this day in history.