Historical Events In 1636
Sunday, 16 February 2025
Feb 12 On this day in history herman Witsius, [Wits], Dutch reformed theologist
Mar 26 University of Utrecht opening ceremony on this day in history.
Mar 29 In the year 1636 esaias Reusner, composer
Apr 18 Julius Caesar, English judge on this day in history.
Apr 29 Esaias Reusner, composer in the year 1636.
Apr 29 In the year 1636 prince Frederik Henry occupies Schenkenschans
Jun 15 Johann David Mayer, composer on this day in history.
Jul 02 Daniel Speer, composer on this day in history.
Jul 04 City of Providence, Rhode Island form on this day in history.
Jul 20 In the year 1636 john Oldham, trader in Mass, murdered by indians
Aug 04 In the year 1636 johan Mauritius appointed governor of Dutch Brazil
Aug 14 In the year 1636 spanish troops occupy Corbie at Amiens
Aug 18 The Covenant of the Town of Dedham, Massachusetts is first signed on this day in history.
Sep 01 Plague in England on this day in history.
Sep 08 On this day in history harvard College is established.
Sep 18 Pietro Sanmartini, composer in the year 1636.
Oct 04 In the year 1636 1st code of law for Plymouth Colony
Oct 04 In the year 1636 the first code of law for Plymouth Colony
Oct 19 Marcin Kazanowski, Polish politician in the year 1636.
Oct 28 In the year 1636 americas oldest university,'Havard', founded
Oct 28 Harvard University (Cambridge Mass) founded on this day in history.
Nov 10 In the year 1636 francesco Passarini, composer
Nov 11 In the year 1636 yen Jo-chu, Chinese scholar of Ch'ing dynasty
Dec 09 On this day in history giovanni B Aleotti, Ital writer/theater architect, dies at about 90
Dec 13 The Massachusetts Bay Colony organizes three militia regiments to defend the colony against the Pequot Indians. This organization is recognized today as the founding of the United States National Guard on this day in history.