Historical Events In 1699
Friday, 07 February 2025
Jan 02 Osman III, sultan (Turkey) in the year 1699.
Jan 09 On this day in history robert J Pothier, French lawyer
Jan 14 Massachusetts holds day of fasting for wrongly persecuting "witches" on this day in history.
Jan 26 Venice, Poland & Austria sign peace treaty with Turkey in the year 1699.
Jan 26 On this day in history venice, Poland &Austria sign peace treaty with Turkey
Jan 27 On this day in history william Temple, statesman, dies
Feb 03 On this day in history the colony of Massachusetts issues paper money for the first time in America, as it pays its soldiers fighting against Quebec.
Feb 04 In the year 1699 350 rebellious Streltsi executed in Moscow
Feb 06 Jozef Ferdinand of Bavaria, heir of Spanish king Carlos II, dies on this day in history.
Feb 17 Hans Georg Wenzeslaus von Knobelsdorff, German architect (Sanssouci) on this day in history.
Mar 02 Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville 1661-1706 builds Fort Maurepas on the Gulf of Mexico; French control now extends all the way down the Mississippi River on this day in history.
Mar 04 Jews are expelled from Lubeck Germany on this day in history.
Mar 23 John Bartram, naturalist/explorer, father of American botany on this day in history.
Mar 25 On this day in history johann Adolf Hasse, composer
Apr 07 On this day in history andreas Benedikt Praelisauer, composer
Apr 14 Khalsa: Birth of Khalsa, the brotherhood of the Sikh religion, in Northern India in accordance with the Nanakshahi calendar on this day in history.
Apr 17 Robert Blair, Scottish poet (Grave) on this day in history.
Apr 22 In the year 1699 hans A baron von Abschatz, Silesian poet, dies at 53
Apr 29 In the year 1699 samuel Apostool, vicar/theologist (Zonisten), dies at 50
Jun 11 England, France & Neth agree on 2nd Extermination treaty of Spain on this day in history.
Jul 06 On this day in history capt William Kidd arrested in Boston
Jul 06 Pirate Capt William Kidd is captured in Boston in the year 1699.
Aug 10 On this day in history christoph Gottlieb Schroter, composer
Aug 19 On this day in history jose Saenz d'aguirre, Spanish cardinal, dies at 69
Sep 22 In the year 1699 people of Rotterdam strike over high cost of butter
Nov 13 In the year 1699 jan Zach, composer
Nov 22 In the year 1699 treaty of Preobrasjensku Denmark/Russia/Saksen/Poland divide Sweden
Nov 30 In the year 1699 christian VI, king of Denmark/Norway
Dec 03 Baron Jacob Hop appointed treasurer-general of the Hague on this day in history.
Dec 15 Henrik A van Reede tot Drakenstein, Dutch botanist, dies at about 63 in the year 1699.
Dec 20 Peter the Great ordered Russian New Year changed-Sept 1 to Jan 1 in the year 1699.
Dec 23 In the year 1699 joseph Gibbs, composer