Page 2: Historical Events In 1804
Sunday, 16 February 2025
Mar 04 In the year 1804 the Battle of Vinegar Hill, colony of New South Wales (Australia), when Irish convicts (some of whom had been involved in Ireland’s Battle of Vinegar Hill in 1798) led the colony’s only significant convict uprising.
Mar 07 On this day in history john Wedgwood, founder (Royal Horticulture Society), dies
Mar 14 On this day in history johann Strauss, the Elder, Viennese violinist/comp (Radetzky March)
Mar 14 The birth of Johann Strauss, Austrian composer in the year 1804.
Mar 16 Francisco marquis Albergati Capacelli, Italian playwright, dies at 75 on this day in history.
Mar 17 In the year 1804 james Bridger, scout/fur trader/mountain man par excellance
Mar 17 In the year 1804 johann von Schiller's "Wilhelm Tell", premieres
Mar 17 In the year 1804 johann von Schiller's "Wilhelm Tell," premieres
Mar 20 In the year 1804 a royalist conspiracy against France's first consul Napoleon Bonaparte comes to light in February One conspirator, Gen Jean Victor Moreau, 41, escapes to America, but the duc d'Enghien Louis Antoine Henri de Bourbon Condé, 32, is seized in Baden, condemned by a commission acting under Bonaparte's orders without regard to law, and shot at Vincennes the night of March 20
Mar 20 Ignaz Malzat, composer, dies at 47 in the year 1804.
Mar 20 On this day in history neal Dow, Brig General (Union volunteers), died in 1897
Mar 21 On this day in history after four years of debate and planning, French leader Napoleon Bonaparte enacts a new legal framework known as the "Napoleonic Code."
Mar 21 French civil Code of Napoleon adopted on this day in history.
Mar 26 In the year 1804 congress orders removal of Indians east of Mississippi to Louisiana
Mar 26 In the year 1804 territory of Orleans organized in Louisiana Purchase
Mar 28 On this day in history ohio passed law restricting movement of Blacks, 1804
Mar 29 Thousands of whites are massacred in Haiti following a declaration by Governor General Jean-Jacques Dessalines in the year 1804.
Mar 29 In the year 1804 thousands of Whites massacred in Haiti
Mar 30 On this day in history salomon Sulzer, composer
Apr 02 Forty merchantmen are wrecked when a convoy led by HMS Apollo runs aground off Portugal in the year 1804.
Apr 04 Joseph Fischhof, composer in the year 1804.
Apr 05 High Possil Meteorite: The first recorded meteorite in Scotland falls in Possil in the year 1804.
Apr 09 Jacques Necker, fiancier/statesman, dies in the year 1804.
Apr 22 On this day in history gioacchino Rossini (12) performs in Imola
Apr 23 Guillaume Nerenburger, Belgian general (Triangulatie of Belgium) in the year 1804.
Apr 24 Thomas Oliver Selfridge, Comm (Union Navy) in the year 1804.
Apr 28 On this day in history 31 English ship sail Suriname river demand transition colony
Apr 28 Hans Gram, composer, dies at 49 on this day in history.
Apr 30 Hague's Theater opens in the year 1804.
May 05 In the year 1804 jacob Kats, Flemish writer (Earthly Paradise)
May 06 In the year 1804 suriname sold to English (until Feb, 1816)
May 06 In the year 1804 suriname sold to English (until February 1816)
May 12 In the year 1804 robert Baldwin, (L) help establish govt in Canada (or 1904)
May 14 On this day in history lewis & Clark set out from St Louis for Pacific Coast
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